I’ve often heard that sloppiness and fingerprints are “okay” because they’re the mark of something handmade.
I hear that. But I disagree.
Your work doesn’t have to be perfect. But it should be intentional.
Fingerprints are nearly impossible to avoid completely when working with a modeling medium. At some point, you have to decide how much imperfection you will allow in your work. It’s an intentional choice. Not because you don’t (yet) have the skill to prevent them, fix them, and work more neatly. Sloppiness should never be because you don’t know any better.
If you’re not yet able to work with intention, it’s time to spend more time practicing, refining your process, and learning the skills necessary to have a better outcome. Skills can be learned.
Did you know that I teach these skills in every course I write? Whether you’re sanding and buffing, making beads, or making Surface Patterns earrings, my courses take you through the process of learning to work neatly…and intentionally.