There are two things on this page. First is a free, downloadable, printable Pearl Ex Color Chart. Second is an interactive Pearl Ex Comparison Tool where you can select any colors and see them side by side. Keep reading!
For info about mica powders, generally, read this article on Mica Powders.
For info about the latest Pearl Ex colors, read New Pearl Ex Colors from Jacquard here.
For tutorials using Pearl Ex and mica powders, go here.
Polymer clay enthusiasts have always loved Pearl Ex mica powders. They bring shimmer and shine to our projects! But knowing which color is best to use in a particular situation can be hard. What is the difference between all those colors? Wouldn’t it be great to have a clear, accurate Pearl Ex Color Chart? I spent some (okay, a lot) of time comparing the colors and wanted to share what I’ve found out.
I molded a gem shape from white and from black polymer clay and coated them with each color of Pearl Ex mica powder. I used the gem shape so you could see the way the light looks from different angles. Here’s the result. First is a downloadable and printable color chart. (Make a poster for your studio!) Then there’s a nifty comparison tool where you can pick colors to compare and see them side-by-side.

Pigments, mica, and powders are magical
Don’t be intimidated by those little jars and packets of colorful powders. Learn to use them effectively in your projects.
Pearl Ex Color Chart
I’ve created this Pearl Ex color chart in two versions. Both are free for you to download, print, or share. Please don’t sell the chart, and if you share it online, please link back to this article so people can use the cool tool below!
Screen Version
Here is a large PDF version (626kb) for you to download and keep on your computer or device. The colors will be correct for screen viewing (depending on your screen, of course).
Poster Sized Version (Print-only)
Here is a 18″x24″ poster-sized printable file (large file! 11MB) that you can download and take to your local printer. Staples has 18×24 posters for about $15 (less with a coupon) that are a gorgeous glossy print. This file is color-optimized for printing using SWOP 2. There’s a copyright release on the poster itself, but if they give you trouble just show them this article. I freely give license for you to print copies for personal, non-commercial use. (If you’re outside the US, your print shop should be able to scale this to print onto the right size poster.)
Pearl Ex Comparison Tool
- The left gem is on white polymer clay, the right is on black polymer clay.
- To see the name of each gem, hover (swipe or long press if you’re on mobile).
- To see a large version of each color, click or tap on the image.
- To compare several colors, tick the boxes and then click the button at the bottom.
- On the comparison page, you can further refine your selection by ticking boxes and comparing again.
- Tip:Taking inventory of your stash? Use the tickboxes to keep track as you count what you have.

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25 thoughts on “Pearl Ex Color Chart and Comparison Tool”
When I click on Duo green-yellow it says “old version”. Is this still being made?
I used this for many years and I thought it was discontinued.
What is the largest quantity that you carry?
The Duo Green-Yellow was discontinued and then a few years ago they came out with a new version. The color chart shows both versions. I do not sell any products, however. You’ll need to contact Jacquard Products for their supplier list.
I bought jacquard mica powders from upstart epoxy. They do not sell individual colors, only multi color packs. I need to find larger amounts of the “black BK2” powder and “Silver Black Y401”
Where do I find those specific colors? Are they offered here?
I don’t sell any art supplies. Individual colors of Pearl Ex colors are available at many art retailers. I would look at either Jerry’s Artarama or Dick Blick.
Hello, On the Pearl Ex/Jacquard website it is nowhere mentioned is is mica powder. So now I am confused: is it or is is not mica ?
It is absolutely mica powder. If you check their MSDS sheets, you’ll see that every color mica coated with metal oxides and/or with added pigment in the mix.
Hi! I was wondering how to use Pearl EX. I’m a newbies newbie with polymer clay but I’ve got to tell you, it has become my first choice drug. LOL Anyway, do you mix it into the clay or on top of the clay? I have been looking everywhere for FIMO White Pearl and no one has it. Was wondering if I use this on FIMO White and it be the same. Any help you could give me would be so very much appreciated. Thanks so much!
It’s all explained here in my Guide to Using Powders on Polymer Clay.
Ginger, You are amazing! Thank you so much for all your tips and ideas. I’m just getting started and your website has been a treasure trove of information! I’ve already spent hours pouring over your posts, and I can tell I have many more enjoyable hours ahead.
Thank you also for providing this Pearl Ex color chart and tool. I was planning on making (baking) my own little “cheat sheet” but then I found yours. Thank you!
Your articles on the attributes of the various polyclay options and ‘best for’ uses were really helpful, and your reviews of pasta machines were exactly what I needed. I just found a used Atlas with yellow handles online, so I took your advice and “snapped it up.” Four more days until it arrives. (hurry, hurry) (The seller says it’s in excellent condition…*fingers crossed*)
I also enjoyed reading your article about all of your dad’s antique tools. He really has some beautiful gems! I shared that article with my guy and we both had fun looking through the photos. My guy’s grandfather used to be a tool smith who would make those tools during much of the early to mid 1900’s. Thank you for the memory lane.
Thank you again for sharing your knowledge with us. I’ve just signed up for your email letter and I’m sure I’ll be back to your site often.
If I have a question and google it you always pop up with the perfect answer. Thank you Ginger.
Hi Ginger, have you ever tried the Arteza Mica powders on polymer clay or do you know anyone who has tried them? I was wondering how they performed compared to Pearl-Ex. I have all the Pearl-Ex colors so the chart is amazing. Thanks.
I’ve not tried them. I would let price be your guide. 🙂
Wonderfully, thoroughly done and incredibly useful. I was trawling google images looking for something like this and it’s exactly what I needed.
Thank you! That’s why I made it. I would have loved to have this resource when I first started using Pearl Ex.
Thank you Ginger. Your scientific background is really clear when you look at the incredible detail you put into all your work. You’re amazing.
Aw, thank you!
Brilliant! Thanks!
You’ve outdone yourself (again). Incredibly useful.
Wow! Thank you! You are to good to us!
WOW! Thanks so very much for this chart and information. I love Pearl-Ex but sometimes I’m not sure what I’m going to end up with!
Thanks so much Ginger! A really helpful tool and visual aid.
Thank you for this 🙂
I love your work <3
WOW! WOW! WOW! The Pearl Ex tool and chart are fantastic. You are incredible, Ginger. I get lots of weekly craft emails, many of which I never get a chance to open. However, when the Blue Bottle email arrives I run to open it. Your inspiration, encouragement and incredible generosity are so appreciated. I own every one of your tutorials and they are the only ones I reference repeatedly.
Thank you so much for all that you do,
I couldn’t have said it better, Cheryl!
Thank you, Ginger! I know it took a lot of effort and time to put this together the way you did! Invaluable information.
Thank you for your generosity and time, Ginger! It’s an extremely helpful chart.
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