Artist Interview – Katie Oskin

You probably know Katie Oskin as the face behind Kater’s Acres. But she’s also a talented polymer clay artist, an advocate for the art of polymer clay, and a tireless promoter of other artists. Recently Katie and her husband vacationed here in the Ozarks and Katie and I got to spend three days creating together. While she was here, I took the opportunity to sit down in front of the camera for an interview. It took us a while to get this recorded because Katie is hilarious and we kept cracking up. She’s truly a force of nature, in person. Very dynamic and full of incredible ideas. See for yourself in this interview. Meet Katie Oskin, polymer clay artist!

Meet Katie Oskin of Kater’s Acres

  • How much time do you spend on a typical day working on your business? 0:36
  • Do you have much time for hobbies, and if so, what do you do? 1:36
  • How did you get started with polymer clay? 2:34
  • Where do you get the inspiration for your creatures 4:34
  • What advice do you have for someone learning to sculpt? 5:18
  • What tips can you offer that can help people get good results? 6:30
  • Tell me about Parker’s Clayful Tutorials Club. 7:30
  • Tell me about the Polymer Clay Challenge. 8:58
  • Why do you promote so many other artists? 10:43
  • What artists do you admire, and why? 12:40
  • What direction do you see your work going in the future? 14:30

Katie Oskin’s Art

Katie is an accomplished artist who works with playful fantasy creatures, but that also spills over into mixed media work as well. She is constantly evolving. Have a look at some of her work below.

Find Katie at Kater’s Acres. But Katie isn’t just an artist. She writes many, many helpful tutorials, both free and for sale. Her website is a treasure trove of helpful polymer clay information as well. Don’t miss her Parker’s Clayful Tutorials Club, a subscription club where there are new tutorials every month.

Turnabout Is Fair Play

During the same visit, Katie also interviewed me. You can see that interview over on Kater’s Acres. I have to say, we had a lot of fun. Make sure you check out the bloopers at the end of both videos. Let’s just say that we had a LOT to choose from. Enjoy!

Also, check out our article on Explorations in Voice, and see what Katie and I worked on together. Make sure to follow the link to Katie’s site as well, and enter the giveaway there.

9 thoughts on “Artist Interview – Katie Oskin”

  1. Pingback: Artist Showcase: Ginger Davis Allman - KatersAcres

  2. I really appreciated these “collaborative voices”… you should explore more together… all your creations are unique and really inspiring! I definitely loved watching the interview and reading all the related articles regarding your own GCV (Girl’s Creative Voices)! <3

  3. Wow, I loved the interview, just loved it. I spend time on both of your websites and its great to see you both live, what a fun time and thank you for all you BOTH do.

  4. Gotta love that Katie…..notwithstanding all of your articles, Ginger, are great insights into the WHY of polymer clay, something we really all should know whether at novice or advanced level. Me, I am in the arrested development level so hopefully between your great articles and videos here and Katie’s patient help when *she* visits *me* for some collab time…..I’ll get a fire lit under me and move on to the next stage! Thank you for all that you do!

  5. I absolutely loved watching this interview. I’ve dabbled with clay off and on for several years. I have taken a couple doll sculpting classes and really loved it but life was just to busy to devote time to it then. My sister just recently had a heart attack and open heart surgery and I realized that I need to get back to the things that relax me and that I truly enjoy. To be honest, I’m a bit scared to put myself out there but watching this interview and listening to the two of you I realize there really isn’t any right or wrong and I just need to take a leap of faith. I am a fiber artist (teddies, dolls, angels, etc.) and really want to incorporate clay into my love of fabrics. I stumbled across Ginger’s site quite by accident but it has become my go to. It seems I will be checking out Katie’s site as well. Nice job!!

  6. You guys are so cute together! I am very new to this medium and you both have helped me so much. Thank you for your generosity.

  7. That was fabulous, Ginger! Not only was it a nice insight into Katie’s whimsical world of polymer clay, it was so much fun to watch and listen to you both. Also, I love the setting for your interview, with all the blue glass decor. I’m off to Kater’s Acres to see the other interview.

  8. Pingback: KatersAcres Artist Showcase: Ginger Davis Allman - KatersAcres

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