Let's Make Polymer Clay Earrings!
Polymer clay earrings are very popular and a great way to explore your creativity and express your artistic side. If you’re new to making polymer clay earrings, you’ll likely encounter some of the challenges that can come with working with this unique medium. I’ve collected some of my articles here that will help you find solutions to the challenges you’re having and lead to making polymer clay earrings you can be proud of.

Helpful Articles for Polyclay Earring Makers
Detailed Courses
If you’re a busy maker with a full life, you can “cut to the chase” and get specific, detailed, and comprehensive answers to your questions by investing in courses. You’ll love the direct, clear style and fact-filled value.
Get Connected!
Once you’re caught up reading the detailed articles and courses above, you’ll also want to get hooked to receive more information by email, on Instagram, on in my Facebook groups. Join me!

Email is the best way to get updates
You will LOVE getting this email, which is packed full of polymer clay goodness. About once a week.
@thebluebottletree on Instagram
Join me on Instagram here. There are many posts and reels with additional information on polymer clay. I also share the work of inspiring artists and share good info in my stories as well.
Facebook Page and Groups
Polymer clay is big on Facebook and it’s a great way to see the work of others. But the best place to learn is groups. I sponsor two groups that will be of particular interest to polymer clay earring makers.
Polymer Clay Earring Makers
This group is just getting started and is perfect for new polymer clay earring makers who want to learn new styles, techniques, or get support for their craft. Both new makers and experienced pros are welcome to join and and share.
Polymer Clay Slabs and Veneers
Clay earring makers use slabs of colorful clay as the basis for their earrings. Traditional polymer clayers use veneers to cover things. Both types of sheets use many of the same techniques. Share what you know in this vibrant group!